Av idolz is a porn site dedicated to hot and sexy Japanese TV and porn models that have decided to try out for nude action. You will find all of your favorite japanese pornstars like Maria Ozawa, Maki Hoshino, Akane Ozora, Nagisa, Hina Aiuchi, Miyu Sugiura, Ryo Akanishi, Yuki Aida, Tsubomi, Ryo Odagiri and many more.
The girls on Avidolz do all kinds of kinky things, from regular sex scenes to close ups, bukkake, lesbian sex and so on. With their hot Asian bodies and hairy cunts, these girls are really nasty once they get going. The site itself is designed pretty well, you can easily find your way around with the basic navigation tools, although advanced search tool would be useful, especially since there are 900 videos in the archives, that’s a lot and getting exactly what you are in the mood for should be easier then just random browsing. Asides from advanced search tool the site could really work on the video quality, especially for the streaming content, which is highly compressed. Download are better, but still far from HD quality that is becoming standard in the world of porn. Another questionable aspect of this site is exclusivity, seems like good part of the content featured here comes from third party porn DVDs and movies that are being featured on this site, but are not made exclusively for it.
All in all, if you want to get your hands on hot Asian porn stars and adult models, this is a good place to do so with a large collection of Japanese porn DVDs.