It’s a common mistake to think that all Japanese girls have small tits, and Big Tits Tokyo is place where you can see that.
If you’re in the mood for horny Asian hotties with big tits, here’s a site dedicated entirely to them! Almost 650 of decent length porn videos starring hot busty ladies that do not mind sharing the sight of those round natural Japanese boobies, and 100% natural they are, not like what you see in regular porn these days. There is tons of content here to be enjoyed, but big breasted Japanese girls are just one part of what you get when you get your membership on, you also get full access to a huge porn network starring Japanese girls in all kinds of niches, from 18 year old Japanese teen chicks having sex to shaved Japanese pussies – whatever you can think of that involves Jap chicks, you can see when you get membership here. Site design makes it really easy to move around and the archives are pretty easy to navigate, with thumbnails, screencaps and tags to make it easier for you to find a scene that’s perfect for you.
A site like this is pretty awesome to check out, especially considering that it’s pretty big, tons of scenes with hot Japanese busty gals. Definite recommendation.